The Question You Want Answered

There’s a special question that you need to ask your partner. And no, it’s not popping THE question. It’s something much more powerful and meaningful than that.

When a psychologist approached a publisher for his new book, the publisher was very skeptical and wanted to see if this psychologist was the real deal, so he asked the psychologist, “what is 1 thing I can do to improve my marriage in 30 seconds?” The psychologist responded, to what he thought, was the most important thing. The publisher went to his wife and once the he asked the special question, she responded, “I thought you’d never ask.” (You can watch the clip here)

In today’s video I give you the question and the whole reason why it works. Interestingly enough, it has to do with how the famous sculptor, Michelangelo, approached his art.

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As an artist myself, I found this to be a lovely revelation. Seeing our partner, the same way Michelangelo perceived marble.

After you watch it I encourage you and your partner to be each other’s Michelangelo. Happy Valentine’s Day!