Respect In A Relationship: What Does It Mean?

What is a relationship without respect?

Possibly one with hostility or not any warmth.

But what does it mean when we respect each other in a relationship?

Essentially, respect is how we treat each other. 

We unavoidably learn this by the people that are around as we grow up. We look for examples in others to get an idea of what we should do.

  • A toddler will look to their parent’s response when they fall to learn how to react to their fall
  • We look at reviews to know if a restaurant or product is liked by most people

Regardless of the tolerance our home had for disrespect, we now face it as an adult.

We simply don’t want to settle and we want a safe environment where we can share feelings, be validated and respected.

So let’s see what is respectful and what isn’t—with REAL couples.


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This is a great conversation to have. I have offered questions in the video so you can talk them over with your partner, and your both on the same page.