The Best Way to Vent Anger, Hands Down

Spring is looking really beautiful in England. The changing of the seasons is all new to me. Being from SoCal, I appreciate the breeze, the fog, the rain, the mist, the snowflakes, and now even more…sunny days.

It’s the changes of life that come and allow us to embrace what hasn’t changed.

For instance, when we come head to head in a disagreement, or didn’t get what we wished for. Sometimes, we will have “one of those day” when things don’t seem to go our way, and we feel challenged. We may even lose our patience.

These days happen to us all. We are human, and wonderfully different, complex, and valuable.

It’s reassuring to know that we are not alone and that we all share feelings (of happiness, loneliness, anger, sadness)—but for different reasons, that’s what makes us unique. Like the many flowers that bloom for different reasons (such as climate).

But since we all experience anger (at different levels and for different reasons, no doubt), there is one sure-way that will restore your sanity after being angered.

Today’s episode is to clear up any misunderstandings of catharsis, or what you might have thought that works.

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If this blew your mind (like it did mine) and know someone that would appreciate watching this, please share the knowledge.

I’d like to know what has worked for you in the past and I’d love to know your experience trying this in action!